The Average Cost of Maintenance on a Car and Ways to Save
Written by Team Clearcover
If you're like most people, you probably dread the idea of taking your car in for maintenance—and the anxiety that comes with wondering what issues the mechanic might find. Plus, there’s always the fear you could get ripped off. Don’t worry, we're here to help.
In this article, we'll give you the lowdown on the average cost of car maintenance services for different types of vehicles and how you can save on each repair.
Factors Affecting Overall Vehicle Ownership Expenses
When it comes to car maintenance, there are a lot of factors that will determine what you're going to pay at your next visit. Here are some things you can expect to influence your average vehicle maintenance costs.
Vehicle Type
The type of vehicle you drive is one of the biggest factors that will determine your maintenance costs. As you might expect, larger vehicles and those that tend to work harder to operate will generally have higher maintenance costs. On the other hand, electric vehicles (EVs) are often cheaper to maintain than gas cars since they have far fewer mechanical components. For example, an EV won't need oil changes, tune-ups, or spark plug replacements.
Climate & Terrain
Where you live will affect your car care needs. To keep your car running smoothly, tailor your maintenance routine to your specific climate and terrain. For example, if you live in a hot and humid climate, you'll need to pay more attention to your AC system. If you live in an area where you frequently drive on dirt roads, you might need to replace your air filter more often. Or, if you’re in a cold climate with rugged terrain, you’ll need to be more conscious of tire tread and replacement.
Vehicle Rarity
More common vehicles tend to have less expensive parts, while European, luxury, and performance vehicles often have pricier parts. In fact, many of these cars require specialized mechanics, which can drive up the cost of service.
Your Car's Age
As a car gets older, it will need more frequent (and potentially expensive) repairs. This is due to normal wear and tear on the vehicle as well as depreciated technology in older models. For example, an older car may need more frequent oil changes or require replacement parts that are older and harder to find.
The Average Annual Cost of Vehicle Maintenance by Vehicle Type
To get an idea of the average annual cost of maintenance by vehicle type, let’s take a look at the data from a 2022 case study conducted by AAA for drivers traveling an average of 10,000 miles per year.(1)
Here's what they came up with:
Small cars: $887 per year
Medium cars: $1,064 per year
Midsize SUVs: $1,020 per year
Midsize pickups: $1,013 per year
Half-ton crew cab pickups: $933 per year
Hybrid vehicles: $888 per year
Electric vehicles: $794 per year
Most Common Routine Maintenance Services
Now that you have an idea of what you’ll pay for car care and maintenance by vehicle type, let's break it down further. While many maintenance items are very clear and obvious, that isn’t always the case.
First, we’ll look at common services almost every driver can expect to need. Then, we’ll look at maintenance services that are a bit less common or aren’t needed as frequently.
When in doubt, refer to your owner's manual or have your vehicle looked at by a reputable mechanic.
Brakes should be inspected every six months, with brake pads and rotors included in the inspection. The average cost of an inspection is under $100, and a complete brake job (brake pads, rotors, and more) can range from $300 to over $1,000.
Exterior Lights
Brake lights, headlights, and blinkers should be checked every three months. This is usually done when you get your oil changed, but if not, it's an easy thing to do on your own. Replacement bulbs for brake lights, headlights, and blinkers can range from $10 to $200.
Windshield Wipers
Windshield wipers should be checked every six months for rips or tears or if you notice your current blades aren’t working as they should. Windshield wiper blades can last anywhere from a few months to a year, and a new set of blades will typically cost you between $25 and $45. While replacing them is a relatively easy DIY task, many auto parts stores will install them with purchase at no extra cost.
Motor Oil Changes
Getting your oil changed is usually at the top of every routine maintenance list. It is the most commonly performed car care task—and for good reason. Oil changes are crucial to keeping your engine running smoothly and help prolong the life of your vehicle. The average cost of an oil change is $45, but they can cost as low as $20 if you do it yourself.
One of the best ways to save on your oil change? Abandon the old maintenance schedule and learn how often you really need to get your oil changed. (Hint—it's not every 3,000 miles!)
Less Routine Maintenance Costs
So far, we’ve looked at the most common car care and maintenance tasks. Now let’s take a look at others that are just as important but don’t come up quite as frequently.
Your tires are what connect your vehicle to the road and help you stop in an emergency, so you'll want them in good condition. Refer to your owner's manual for details on the tires for your vehicle, as well as the recommended tire pressure.
Tire rotation is important to even out wear and tear and should be done about every six months. If you notice your tires are balding or cracking, take them in for an inspection. Many mechanics will take a look at your tires for free if you’re feeling concerned. You can also try the the penny test.
Beyond watching for damage and maintaining proper air pressure in your tires, you'll also want to have your alignment checked if you notice your vehicle pulling to one side or the other while driving. Tire rotations, balancing, alignment, and inspection will usually run around $50 to $80. When it does come time to replace your tires, a new set can cost anywhere from $400 to over $1000.
Replacing Your Battery
You need a healthy battery to start your car. Batteries typically last between three and five years but can die sooner, especially if you live somewhere with extreme temperatures. Many manufacturers recommend getting your battery inspected twice per year, but you should always check your owner’s manual for your vehicle’s preferred schedule. If you are having issues starting the vehicle or your power begins failing, it could be a battery issue. The cost to replace a traditional battery can range from $125 all the way up to $400.
Washing and Detailing Your Car
Though it isn’t traditionally thought of as maintenance, keeping your car clean both inside and out is a significant part of properly maintaining your vehicle. A good wash typically costs between $15 and $20, while a complete detail can cost upwards of $200. A car wash can be done monthly or as needed, and it’s a good idea to get your car detailed every six to twelve months. Taking care of your car by staying on top of washing and detailing can limit damage done by wear and tear.
Checking Seals and Gaskets
Over time, seals and gaskets can degrade, which can lead to leaks. Your seals and gaskets should be checked every twelve months or 12,000 miles. Spotting a minor tear or leak early can save you a lot of money down the road. Gaskets and seals can range from your gas cap to your head gasket, so the cost to replace a seal or gasket can range from $50 to significantly more, depending on the complexity of the replacement.
Keep Your Car (And Your Savings) Rolling with Clearcover Car Care
Routine maintenance doesn't have to bust your budget. By being proactive and utilizing Clearcover Car Care,* you can save up to $400 a year on regular car maintenance. And with our easy-to-use app, getting your car the care it needs is a breeze.
Here's how it works...
We don't want you to be stuck digging for coupons from third-party advertisers or delaying your car's maintenance. That’s why we include Car Care in all Clearcover auto insurance policies at no extra cost.* Clearcover Car Care gives you access to discounts with top-rated maintenance shops in your area on everything from oil changes to new tires. You can lock in the best possible prices and book right in the app.
It's our way of saying thanks for being a customer and helping you keep your vehicle (and your budget) in tip-top shape.
Take the stress out of insurance coverage and vehicle maintenance. Get started with Clearcover today.
*Clearcover Car Care is available to Clearcover customers at no added cost only in the following states: AZ, IL, IN, OH, PA, and UT. Savings vary based on shops and services selected.Services are subject to availability.
AAA. “Your Driving Costs 2022” accessed September 2022 from