How to Get Better Gas Mileage: 9 Practical Tips for Drivers
Written By Team Clearcover
We're all feeling pain at the pump, and it's not expected to let up much any time soon. The current national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline is $4.35.* While this is down from when some states saw much higher peaks, it's still tremendously high.
While improving gas mileage can help soften the blow to your bank account, it can also be a small step toward a more sustainable nation as a whole.
Better gas mileage equates to fewer emissions and improved air quality. Crude oil is not a renewable source of energy, and our country's current rate of use is not sustainable. As the vehicles on our roads consume 60% of our country’s oil and are responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, improving gas efficiency presents an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on our environment.
In This Economy, the Spotlight Is on Fuel Economy
The rising price of crude oil has driven gas prices up. Gas prices have doubled within the last two years, much to the dismay of commuters. Prices at the pump surged past $5 per gallon in June 2022. The high cost at the pump has disrupted travel plans and is prompting people to sell their gas-guzzling vehicles.
No one wants to feel forced into making major life changes like selling their car, so we've put together nine practical tips to help you improve your gas mileage and stretch your dollar a little further.
9 MPG-Friendly Tips To Improve Gas Mileage
When we discuss fuel efficiency, we’re talking about how far a vehicle can go on one gallon of gas. The average car gets about 25.7 miles per gallon, but there are a number of ways to improve your gas mileage. To get you moving towards fuel efficiency, here are nine simple, fuel-friendly tips to help you get better gas mileage:
1. Always Have a Plan
Have you ever assumed you knew where you were going, only to spend a few extra minutes (even hours) driving around trying to find your destination? By planning your route before you hit the road, you won’t waste gas wandering roads that lead everywhere except where you need to go.
Do you let your GPS do all the work for you? Most of us do. However, it’s a good idea to look through all the routes the app pulls up, specifically to find any “fuel efficient” routes it may present. While one route may get you there faster, a slightly longer route with a slower speed limit may improve your gas mileage.
2. Be Easy on the Gas Pedal
When you press the gas pedal or brake, do it gently. Embrace cruise control to maintain a steady speed. Anticipate traffic stops and slow down early. Cast your eyes as far forward as the terrain allows. These tips can improve fuel economy by 15-30% on the highway and 7-14% around town.
3. Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride
Tempting as the open road may be, the faster you go, the more gas you use. The general rule of thumb is that for every five mph over fifty you drive, you're effectively paying an additional $0.31 per gallon in gas.
The faster you go, the lower your gas mileage. This is because your tires resist the air as they’re spinning. Air resistance increases the faster your car moves, making your car work harder to keep going. By reducing your speed by just 5-10 mph, you can improve your gas mileage by 7-14%, according to AAA.
4. Lighten Your Load
You may not think much about the items you lug around with you in the back of your car, but you can actually save yourself some gas by leaving the heavy stuff behind. Don’t carry heavy items in your car unless you’re transporting them from one place to another. The extra weight on the chassis makes it harder for the engine to pull the car and puts a strain on your gas mileage, decreasing your fuel efficiency. According to, every one hundred pounds of extra weight in your car will cost you an additional three cents per gallon at the pump.
5. Avoid Rush Hour Traffic
Remember the tip about being easy on the gas pedal? The same thinking applies here. Avoid driving during rush hour. Your car uses more gas driving in stop-and-go traffic than it does when moving steadily. Time magazine claims you can save $1,700 every year by avoiding sitting in traffic.
6. Use Cruise Control on Flat Roadways
Use your cruise control feature when you’re driving on flat, straight roads to maintain a constant speed. According to KIA, you can save 7-14% on gas by utilizing cruise control. Be aware that using cruise control won’t help on roads that are hilly or mountainous. Using cruise control while driving on hilly or mountainous roads requires your car to work harder to get up hills and forces it to drag in order to slow down on the other side. This actually requires extra gas and will reduce your fuel efficiency.
7. Purchase a “Fast Pass” for Tolls
Certain states have tolling booths along their interstate highways. There are several benefits of getting a “fast pass” for toll roads (also called open tolling). These devices are placed on your windshield and allow you to pass through toll booths without stopping. The less you have to start and stop, the more efficiently your car will run, leading to more savings at the gas pump. Electronic pass devices have various names in different states, such as iPass, FastPass, or E-Z Pass, and some electronic pass devices work in more than one state.
8. Don’t Let Your Car Idle for Longer Than Necessary
Your car uses gas while it’s idling, so it’s best to shut the car off if you need to sit and wait for more than a minute. Worried it’ll take more gasoline to restart an engine than to leave it idling? Your car’s engine burns through a quarter to a half-gallon of gas every hour while it’s running but not moving, while it only takes ten seconds worth of gas to restart a warm engine.
9. Be Consistent with Vehicle Maintenance
All vehicles require regular maintenance, so it’s a good idea to get well acquainted with your car mechanic. A good mechanic will keep you updated on when you need an oil change, a tune-up, or a filter replaced, like an air filter. They’ll remind you to check your tire pressure, change your wiper blades, change out your headlights, and more. If a dashboard light comes on, have it checked out as soon as possible. The better you maintain your car, the longer it’ll last, and the more efficiently it will run.
Save Money on Car Insurance Today With Clearcover
Maximizing your fuel efficiency and increasing your gas milage can help us do our part to keep the air and environment clean. And with inflation and high gas prices continuing to take their toll, everyone could use a little extra savings wherever possible. By improving your driving habits, you can save money and do some good for the planet. Start making these simple and easy gas-saving changes today to improve your fuel efficiency and save money at the pump.
Another way to save money is by getting the best rate—and coverage—possible on your car insurance. That’s why we make it super easy to switch to Clearcover. Use our simple 60-Second Coverage Wizard to find the coverage that’s right for you.
*AAA “Gas Prices” retrieved 8/1/2022 from